Saturday, November 15, 2008 | 6:48 PM |
:) 16 Nov 08
Sayonara to my 2 Bestest frens...
CME are thus separated for a month or so... sob**
Yesterday, along with Took Kee, we went to Changi Airport to send
Mariam And SOM...
We reached there about 4.10pm and we had a difficult time to get pass
the police. There are barriers surrounding the counters in T1.
Anyway, Som as usual, was waiting for us there. She was super pissed off with MARIAM..Again, she is late.
Som reached the airport at 3.45pm whereas Mariam LEFT her house at the same time...
Together, we went to Mac at T2 for lunch.
When we were heading back to T1:
Som: I want to eat cake!
Mariam: Ok lo.. let's go see..
(TK pulling Som's luggage)
While they were looking,
Mariam: Aye, its 6pm already, let's go. The
aeroplone leave at 6.50pm.
Emma: Mariam, your 'a' change to 'o' ah??
Mariam: laughs* ya, so my name is
MORIOMEmma: Laughs* my name is
EMMOMariam: Took kee becomes
Taak Kee and Chalisa(som) becomes
CHOLISOOn the other hand,
Som: Do you know them?
Took Kee: NO!
Som: Let's chao first!!!
LOL, Mariam and I were laughing all the way back. We laughed even harder when Som dropped her jacket on the floor from her shoulders and she didnt even noticed it. Took Kee just pull her luggage over it. OMG!!! Mariam was totally bonkers! She influenced me. In the end, all became SIAO!
Before they depart:
Emma: Wa Lao, i 'niao-ji'
Took Kee: Ya, i oso want to go toilet
Som and Mariam: Let's go!
In the toilet:
Som wanted all of us to go toilet as she took care of luggage. After we came out, we took care of it.
Mariam: Wa! the bladder almost burst
Emma: Drink too much water le
Mariam: Surprising Som still can hold so long...
Emma: Better bladder control
After taking photo in the toilet..
Took Kee: WA! we only take 3 min to go toilet!
When they were departing, we took lots of 'bye-bye' photos and we hugged each other. Took Kee and I left after they went in.


CHEERS to Ms YONG... her wedding ><

Playing Peek-a-boo huh??

Som and Took Kee

My sweetheart Mariam and I

Took Kee and I


Love Som and I

Departing photo
Took Kee and I took a train home.. as we pass by Dhoby Ghaut...
TWILIGHT FANS There were many posters of Twilight the movie...
I feel like tearing it down and put it on my own walll!!!!!
I love Twilight ><
A reminder: It will be coming out on the 18 Dec 08
I hope the cinema's wont confiscate the posters and sell it later...
I want the POSTER!!!!!!! POSTER!!!!
(im totally mad ^^)

Erm. that's about all...
I think i will be busy next week due to my attachment...
I will be free on the following weeks... YAY!!!
That's all
See ya><