:) 26 Oct 08
Normal, is the only word i could describe my day...
As usual, went for Jiang... was super BORED.. Michelle didnt come today...
Teacher was talking about Lin Chong from Shui Hu Zhuan...
Talking about his tolerance towards the betrayal of his friend and
in the end what did he do...
She carried on asking us if ppl accuse us what will you do??
I replied: it depends... If its just a small peanut case, i will just tolerate and ignore it. However, the case get serious, i will not sit there and shake legs.. Of course i will REBUT back! Yijie have the same thinking as me.. However, the boys are like so TIMID.. they just say they will tolerate... So UN-MAN!! No thinking of their own...
It is also the last lesson of MS.A's class for this year... At least, i feel some kick to be in the class... Her class really triggers your brain and nerve system to start thinking, brooding and find answers to your qns... She questioned us a topic which made me brood over it quite a while..
Qns: Do you think ppl have their own say to die at anytime???
I think its recently on news about a E.... something topic.. I will find out as soon as possible... Now, Im going to ans this qns like an Discussive compo...
With the advancement of technology, many things have changed from impossible to possible. As the years passes-by, various kinds of illness have found a cure for it, enabling ppl to prolong their lives. However, there is a certain no of ppl still want to choose the path where they end their life.
Honestly, Im a person who is strong willed and will perservere to the end, no matter what happens. I will fight to hold on to the chance, the opportunity to remain alive, to see my future, the world. Hence, i will NOT bow down to difficulties neither to death. However, they are some ppl who want to let go of everything. EVERYTHING!
E.g) A 23 year old base ball player, due to an accident, has became paralysed and he have endured for a period of time. He really didnt want to survive with the torments anymore, and so, his parents brought him to Switzerland and put him to sleep.
SO?Towards these ppl, i feel that they should have a control over their lives whether they want to end it or endure it. Imagine your love ones having numerous tubes being attached to his/her body, face, everywhere and you can do nothing at it to ease the pain. Imagine a person being bubbly and energetic, because of a accident, made him/her paralysed, unable to move again. It's really excruciating to see them suffer. Which parents would want their child to leave them before they do? Which will bear to let their love ones fly to heaven if they could live together happily in this world? NO ONE!
However, can you bear to see them tolerate the pain in order to prolong their time to be with you? Their confidence in their heart to diminish, allowing them to think that they are useless??
I sympathy these ppl, although they are physically and mentally challenged, they continue to perservere on. Until a part when they knew that hope is really gone, they do not wish to be a burden of their love ones. To end the pain, both from the victim and their love ones.At least, if they are gone, it will ease their agony to remain alive, to lessen their own burden, to recover a smile on faces as their journey continues.I really think that these ppl should have a control over their lives.
However, some ppl take their lives for granted. Due to a fallacy, they end their life to avoid all consequences to have to bear. It is COWARDICE! They should stand up to their mistakes, everything there is a choice to it. Once you decide on it, you have to be responsible for your choice. Instead of facing it, they avoid it by sucidal, pushing all the blames, the burden to their family, friends, relatives. This is so WRONG! They don treasure their lives, treating it as a game, leaving your love ones behind after all the love and concern they showered on you. Is it correct? Is it how you repay them? Im sure they will feel guilty even if they have left this world.
In conclusion, this qns is really tricky. The ppl from the first example will have my support of their control over their lives. However, for the ppl from the 2nd example, i think they should really think through it. STOP BEING A SELFISH PERSON!
Your own mistake, your own business, face it yourself with courage. Don be a COWARD!
Up till now, only 4 countries supports ppl to give up on their own lives due some reasons. They are Switzerland, Belgium, Luxemberg and .... (i forgot)... I will find it out.
That's all..
It was rather funny, writing my opinions on issues...
i may do this quite often in the future... ><
See ya^^