Saturday, November 01, 2008 | 11:30 PM |
Arghh... im aching all over especially my arms...
All because i carried the Gu Zheng...
Yesterday, 12 members from Gu zheng were invited to play for the opening ceremony of the new reservior at Marina...
We played our first song at 10.15am, had break from 10.30am to 1.00pm...
During that period, Louise, ShiTing, YuShan, Kesline and I took a stroll to have a bird's eye view of Marina. The scenery is simply magnificent!
Our second session of playing started at 1pm...
At 2pm, we went back to school..

Louise, ShiTing, Yu Shan and I

??? Dunno wat to say.. speechless ><

The magnificent scenery

Yu SHan and I

Yu Shan and I in love ><

Muahaha.. Im the warrior and Yu Shan the beauty in my hands ><
Today, went for tuition in the morning..
Currently watching and engrossed in Vampire Knight...
It's super nice, its better than D. Grayman...
BUt i guess.. Vampire is now the trend...
Erm.. so that's about all...
Im going to watch Vampire Knight...
See ya ><