:) 9 Nov 08
Last tuition!!!! but then, its nothing joyous about...
Ms Aileen's lesson will start next week...
Fantastic -.-
I had a wonderful day yeaterday...
Went out with Som and Mariam, met at 11.30am...
We waited for MARIAM until 12.oopm....!!!!
The moral of the story is to tell Mariam to meet half an hour before the meeting time..
Lol, that's wat Som told me ><
We managed to watch the movie, "MAX PAYNE"
Actually we know nuts about the story until we watched it.
It's about a detective whose wife and baby was murdered.
He become very depressed and only focus to avenge for his family.
His ex-partner, Alex, was murdered when he found evidence about his wife's death.
Natasha, who Max made during a party was also murdered when he chased him out of his house. Mona, who was Natasha's sister wanted to avenge for her sister's death when she found out that Max was not the murderer. In the end, both of them went on investigating the deaths of their love ones. In similar, all the people who died have a tatoo of a wing. After checking it out, the wing actually appeared in Norse Mythology of a flying devil or creature. In order to go to heaven, they have to be killed by violence.As the story goes on, They found a guy(forgot his name) who was an ex-military commander in a company. That company actually invented a chemical substance, after drinking it , the person will become stronger and have the adrenaline to defend and attack his enemies. A twist of story happened. The murderer was actually Max's ex-boss, BB. Max took the chemical substance when he was nearly drown in the freezing sea.Because of the substance, he was able to see the flying devils around him. However, in the end, he killed BB. He was about to die when BB shot him at the same time, but his wife(probably in his dreams) said "It's not the time yet, Max".
He survived.
Ha! That's all...The story was actually very solemn and serious, however, the two 'kids' beside me was super annoying. Som and Maraim were actually snatching drinks and each of them ate a full packet of popcorns. They were bloated like a balloon when they walked out of the cinema and immediately rushed into the toilet.
LOL ><
We proceed on to buy fruits for Mariam's aunt at Carefour. I can conclude that Som will be a very good housewife in the future. She knew how to pick the sweetest grapes and strawberries. A total perfectionist in fruits. Next time, we will not explore the fruits section...
We continued by taking a train to City Hall to buy Mariam's brother's present----I will keep it as a secret. Next, we went to Mariam's Aunt's house.
She served us with warm hospitality-- Coke with Whipped cream, Cakes, Roasted Chicken wings. Leon also brought 2 frens with him and we made introduction among ourselves. So embarassing! BUt they are all from NUS... our countries future hope ><
We end up playing powder. I was the VICTIM. I was laughing at them in a corner and in the next minute, i was smacked by them on the face. SOB***
Som was the violent one. She grabbed Mariam by the waist and pressed the powder at her...
HAHA***, her face was as white as Edward!!! LOL... ROAR***
We bid goodbye to Aunty and left for HOME....
Though we had an enjoyable outing, i will be busy this coming week.
AND, the thought of Som and Mariam leaving Singapore next week... SOB*** SOB**
Raindrops keep falling from my face....
Here are some Pictures.

Som too engross in the game

Som and I


CME ><
Indeed it was a fabulous day yesterday...
I really love it...
I hope we will go out like this again... ><
Take care...
Lastly, before i leave...
Not forgetting my Honey...
She is like facing lots of problems now...
If i can overcome it, im sure she can do it...
Cause she is sensible and more calm compared to me...
I will always be there for you when u need support...
I will be holding the umbrella for you when its raining.
I will give you a hand when you fall.
I will lend you my shoulder to lean on when you are tired.
I will listen quietly so that you wont feel so stress.
I will back you up when you feel tired.
Lastly, what are cousins for????
No matter wat happens, we will always be cousins...
Honey Deying Jia you...
Hope this will back you up and
You must also back others up like i did, when others are facing the prob as u...
Its really unbearable when you don have anyone to rely on...
I relied on my BUBU...
I love BUBU!!!
Zhu zhu lian..^^
Thats all
See ya><