Thursday, November 13, 2008 | 4:44 AM |
:)13 Nov 08
Do you miss me?? Lol...
Though i don feel any excitement in this camp,
i still enjoyed it rather.
MY FIRST TIME being CAMP COM, joining the 'lao jiao'= Old Birds...
I feel kinda slack cause the camp com just have to oversee the activities
and allow the Cheif facs to lead their groups.
Day 1We had external trainers from the Absorbent Mind to play ice-breaker games...
The activities were very new for us.
It is more challenging and not as lacklustere like Whacko and stuffs...
Susan and I were the CAMERA-WOMEN!
We took lots of photo till we get hooked on...
Now, we can take photos with our eyes closed...
In the later part, we went for a 'talk' froM Mr Chin, the Everest Girls and Mr Imran.
We saw videos of mountaineers climbing Mt-Everst, the difficulties they faced, how they overcome it and how to make the right choice.Well, Mr Imran's speech was rather 'cute"???? He showed us his younger days photos,(he looked like Michael Jackson) and his girlfriend's photo. He also taught us his 3 RULES:
1. Don'T WORK!
2. Be Hated!
3. Love someone
Im not going to emphasize more, u have to think it urself ><
Of all the activities, sleeping was the hardest. I could hear ppl 'playing songs' like snoring... best of all is that their snoring can be heard from Singapore to Malaysia... SUPER LOUD!!! WTH!! How to sleep?? I didnt sleep fot the first night cause when my eyes started to close, Mariam kicked me!In the end, i only had half of the sleeping bag to sleep on....Sleeping on the table is super cooling....
Day2We went to Changi MOE Adventure Centre. Went there for CRC when in Sec1.
Basically we have activities like Water Rufting??? and Kayaking...
At least i have done over 10 hours of kayaking during OBS, im considered quite experienced. I didnt go this time, busy taking photos with QIQI. SIAN!!
Honestly, where to find apples in CHANGI??? Chan KK??
Alot of ppl were sea-sicked, worse still, ppl vomited.
So, time for Qiqi and I to show our skills as a first aider...
We managed to SURVIVE!! hooray!
Unfortunately, the CAMPFIRE was quite disappointing...
Due to the bad weather, we have our campfire in the canteen.
We cannot get the crowd going, i guess they are tired and it was actually quite boring. Qiqi and I wanted to start off with singing of Hokkien song. Then becoz of that kweky la...The Blind bat... He lost his specs when kayak... The specs swim deep deep down to see the mermaids....
The performances from all groups were all dances, plus camp com also dance... its like watching dancing 'TIAO DANG'...
FOUND OUT SOME SAD NEWS AFTER CAMPFIRE..(to be continued) But we did ended the camp nicely with some ppt presentation...
Day3Last day of camp, last year of CAMP...
We held an Amazing Race in School. Quite bored cause most of time, i was hiding in SC room emoiing... We continued with the PrizE Presentation.
CONGRATULATION TO FIRE!! They won this year's camp.
The camp broke after we have our group photo together...
Camp com also lingered around to take photos with Mr Imran who is also leaving Bartley... sob**...
I still have attachments at Changi Hospital tomorrow and the whole of next week... Im feeling quite excited yet very tired too...
Ok. The continuation of the SAD news.
I actually overheard ZZ talking to Ms Ang... maybe it is fated for me to know at that time. I found out that his mum passed away from cancer last Tuesday...this fatal illness came back to her a few times already. BUT she was very strong till the end. ZZ said that she went off peacefully and he was by her side till the end... ZZ is as strong as his mum... Upon hearing the news, tears began flowing from my eyes. I dunno why i reacted tat way but one thing for sure is that, ZZ and I have a very strong bong btw both of us. Both of us cared for each other...
He didnt break the news to me because he didnt want me to worry, ke knew that i will break down which will affect my mood in the Camp... Yet when i knew the news, i struggled not to cry, or cry silently so as not to make him feel worse... esp when ppl ask him wat happened. I actually wanted to visit his mum when i knew that she was sick. However, it was during Exam period and i didnt want to bother him esp when he was taking his O'lvls. I felt sort of guilty as he was by my side when i was super down last year, giving me the support that i need and i was not by his side when he faced 'this'. I knew he didnt want me to worry, but yet it shattered my heart even more when i knew later. I skipped debrief and i accompanied him to visit the Op's room and out of school. Actually, my intention was to have more time with him, hoping that i can give him support too. I wanted to be by his side, but in the end, i couldnt control myself when i heard the story deeper. (i was trying very hard to control). He told me not to think to much. ACtually, i was not thinking at all, my heart felt so sad that my mind gave way to it.Despite my crying and stuff, ZZ was able to stay strong and comfort me. Like a brother, he wiped off my tears also. I walked him out of school, hoping to have more time with him, hoping that he will share his feelings. BUt im sure he will stay strong like his mum, strong willed.
To: ZZ
If you have seen the message above, you will know why i cried. I apologize if i have made more pain or troubles esp when ppl ask you. Though you faced it strongly, with a smile, i know that it hurts deep inside. I can understand your feelings and Im really sorry to hear it. I love you as a brother and i will stand by your side no matter wat happens. I have my own stand. I hope that you will excel in your future endeavours and Aunty will be in peace. MAY GOD BLESS ZZ, ALLOW HIM TO BECOME STRONGER TO FACE EVERY SINGLE DIFFICULTY HE MEET IN THE NEAR FUTURE.I have faith in you! When you asked me is there anything i wanted to tell you? Actually i have alot of things to say, yet i couldnt say... I will express it through my blog.Hope that you will bring me to her wake, i want to pay my respect to her.
I am more than ready to strive harder to attain my dream to be a doctor. Not only to save lives but also to give them a second opportunity to live on. Life is unpredictable,one may leave anytime. I just hope that there will be cure for this horrendous cancer.
All the best, jia you ><

Mr Imran and I

Chao Han and I, my one and only President

Group photo

Group Photo

Zhen Zhao and I
That's all
im feeling a bit giddy now...