:) 23 NOV 08
Er, i will try as soon as possible to upload my last day's attachment photo soon ><
This song is White X'mas by Kat-tun.. muahaha.. ><
Due to few of my good frens such as ALICE XD and Yijie, im now super interested in Japanese stuffs like ANIME... Muahaha.. thanks to them.. we are currently talkin about the cast for VK, sometimes abit of Twilight.. and more to come..
Anyway,this is the photo of Akanishi Jin

Cool huh?! But then again, he looks like a female...
I was laughing at the video when he and Kame act as couple..
Jin as the female nurse and Kame as the male doctor...
Then they tried to flirt.. WTH!! It was super Hilarious!
Found this in my email....
Please fill your name in Japanese (refer to table below) and send it to all of your friends to show how crazy it looks like.... and have fun.
A - ka
B - tu
C - mi
D - te
E - ku
F - lu
G - ji
H - ri
I - ki
J - zu
K - me
L - ta
M - rin
N - to
O -mo
P - no
Q - ke
R - shi
S - ari
T -chi
U - do
V - ru
W -mei
X - na
Y - fu
Z - zi
Ok, so my name EMMA = kurinrinka
That sounds so.... (im speechless)
Something like kukumalu like that... sound so weird...
Ppl , u either call me Kurin, Rinka, RinRIN or KuKa...
I would much prefer the 2nd and the 3rd one...
KUKA sounds like the sound made by a frog...
Just try it!! Lol! esp Yijie and Alice!
So thats all
See ya><