Finally, its the end of Term 3! But yeah, its nothing to be happy about. This one week is for revision, revision and more revision :(
I hope I'll clear promos and continue to J2 :) Gambatte ne!
I have remedial next Thursday, followed by Subway-ing with Sheryl, Sook and Seok.
Sadly, Hui Ting cannot go :( No HOLY mother
These are what have happened this week:
Mon: Lessons as usual, except my family have some 7th month dinner which actually isnt the case. This dinner is my family's custom to celebrate the bringing over of our real ancestors from China :) Wow! so cool :)
Tues: Teacher's Day Celebration.
The hottest thing was the performance done by the new teachers- Lady GAGA bad Romance :)
Oh gosh, Mr kenny Ong was super hilarious :D
I also made bookmarks to show my gratitude towards my teachers. Tadah ;)

Wednesday: HOLIDAY
haha, went to visit Mrs Swee! Managed to persuade her to take 1 SOLO, ONLY photo!
Omg, im so happy with my 'eloquence'

My Beloved Piano Teacher, my shifu :)
Still pretty and elegant. Elegance is immportant to a pianist. haha.
Thursday: Last handball game during PE lesson :)
our REWARD: 1 Chocolate :) YAY!
I feel like im some 3 year old kiddo :)hoho,
I think i will miss handball :(
CT period= Take photo with Ms Choo, who came back to take photo with us :)
Actually wanted to play catching (OH GOD!) then the teachers oppose the idea!
We went back to Bio Lab and started telling 'good buddy' story.
Thanks alot man Mrs Tan. Esp the creepy story about the dog and foam in its mouth.
Thanks man. I have to call my bro to accompany to the toilet last night. HAHA
Friday: TODAY! The best thing about today is the Last day of school!
Sigh, I should find Fishy just now, nvm :(
Take care Fishy, we wont meet for a week. I will miss you :)
See ya :)