Wednesday, December 10, 2008 | 3:50 AM |
:) 10 Dec 08
TWILIGHT last night!
I won the preview tickets and some twilight goodies ><
from teenage magazine! How lucky!
The lucky person who watched with me was Took Kee...
Our show starts at 9pm, yet, being a typical Singapore..
We arrived there at 7plus.. isn't that early?
We waited along with other Twilght fans...
However, to
This is movie is not really nice...
Ratings= 2.5/5
Firstly, it seems that there is no linkage btw all the scenes...
And the story was changed drastically... The whole story content is no longer there.
Secondly, Bella and Edward does not have the chemistry.. they didnt show out the love that exist in the book...
Thirdly, the only exciting part is when the cullens are racing against time to save Bella. And James died too FAST!
As for the content, im not going to say... U just have to watch it. Anyway, im quite disappointed for this movie, which i craze the most. Rumours said that it will be better than Harry Potter, but to me, Harry Potter have yet to be replaced.. It's more exciting watching Harry Potter. I've already lowered down my expectations as i knew that the book is always better than the movie. This movie is really... im speechless...
Anyway, Im really glad that im able to go out with Took Kee and i hope she enjoyed the show. Anyway, i think the fans had fun.. When Edward was about to kiss Bella, then all the fans started to say "KISS KISS KISS KISS...", some even screamed -.-
OMG! The prom was nice.. Actually im would prefer Edward(Robert) than Bella, cause for the whole show, Bella did not smile at all...
Now, i will have to wait for
Harry Potter and the Half-blooded Prince that is out on 17 July, next year. I do hope it is nice...
Still, i will not give up. I do hope that the change of the director will help to produce a nicer NEW MOON next year, when the Cullens are mostly not in the movie.

The Twilight Tickets!

Took Kee and I

Twilight Posters!

To AliceXD:
Okay, i've to say, im a fan of SKIP BEAT now..
Im faliing in love with Kyoko,
The story is attracting me.. ><
I cannot stop reading when i start... OMG
I do hope Kyoko is with Ren(CORN) though...
That Fuwa ShouTARO, just get lost!
Anyway, thats all
See ya ><