Saturday, February 26, 2011 | 6:09 AM |
As usual, IM BUSY!
Im tired of ranting and complaining that im busy, hectic and whatever.
Ive been staying back in schools for CCA, classes and even camp, just last saturday.
I miss home; as in the enviroment im most comfortable at, besides being in a music shop :p
Our lovable Ms Cheng showed our class a video on Euthanasia; assisted suicide or in any case mercy killing. Yes, this has been a topic of my interest and Im glad that it is in our GP curriculum. The video showed us that people from all parts of the world are going to Switzerland to perform assisted suicide. Creig Ewart, the patient who was diagnosed with some muscle and brain illnesses which caused him to be unable to control his movements including breathing. He decided on assisted killing to relieve himself from his sufferings as well as his loved ones too. Though he has already died, but at that time, we accompanied him through the last of his life. The courage he had to drink the medication that led him to eternal slumber, the fact that he is leaving his soul mate and children in the world without him and that he can decide on the time and date he is going to leave, left me speechless.
I am strong, but I teared when his wife kissed him on the cheek, the last kiss, the final goodbye. Imagine someone was there just a second ago, but gone in the next second. It seems that he was just in deep sleep, freed from all the sufferings and pain he must endure and he has given to his loved ones. However, you know that his spirit has left, leaving an empty shell in the mortal world.
Ms Cheng then asked us to do some reflection. The qns was: God, not man, should decide when we should die? (ROUGHLY LIKE THAT)
I forgot to add in another sentence to my answer. Man can decide on his own death, but what makes you think that it is actually not God's decision to let one die in the way he(human) decides? You will not know anything that is beyond our regime unless you can enter another world. That means, youre not in the living world already. May you rest in peace.
Another sentence that left me speechless was: if you've been together for 50 years, you will want to die together. Such idea on eternal love doesnt seem to exist in our world with the high divorce rates and stuffs, but it does, for a few in millions. For me, Ive always believed that eternal love only exist in fairytales, but it doesnt.
Ms Cheng said that" Your spirit will still be around as long as person remembers you. But how many generations can it last? My grandchildren? Great-grandchildren? etc" However, I think that as long as you once lived, the spirit will always be around. People may die and eventually forget the presence of yours, but spiritually, they will remember the times when youre around.
OMG. Should I be a philosophist instead? I really have great interest in this area. But Ms Cheng say philosophist are those who are ultra rich with nothing that they lacked of. HAHA, but im not.
Aside from philosophy, I dunno why Huiting say she support me cause its so random, but I truly felt the happiness of friendship with Fishy,Sook,Holy mother,Seok and Sheryl. Even the bubbletea I bought with no-sense-of-direction Sheryl taste exceptionally nice! Haha! Don worry Jungmin! I will hold your hand and make sure you find your way!
Gambatte! A levels, youre just nothing but papers. Im truly filled.
Hooray GG501!