Wednesday, December 15, 2010 | 4:37 AM |
Its going to be quite a long post today! :)
I went for the 'xperience pharmacy camp 2010' from 13th-15th Dec,
and I learnt lots of new knowledge about the profession :D
First Day:
Had bonding games-something like whackho, but we hit the thighs instead. We didnt do much, probably because we did not know each other. But I was not alone, Ryan was also in the same group as me. Oh, I haven introduce my group! WE ARE KAOLIN! an absorbent for diarrhoea :p
We took a shuttle bus to Raffles hall which is our lodging for 2 nights, then went back for lunch.
The best was the practical session in the lab. We did Paediatric Kaolin mixture and primary emulsion. We are constantly mixing, pouring, measuring... MIXING, totally...
That explains the ache in my arms. We spent about 3 hours here!
At night, we had night games-Solve a murder case of Mrs Wong
It was like amazing race; running around to get more clues. However, sometimes the GMs( Ghost of Mrs Wong, gossipers, husband, adulterer, maid...) purposely tell lies to mislead us. We were just running around like bees, but luckily the night was cool!
The best part @ the 'Pathologist' station
KAOLIN: What did you find out during the autopsy? Any bruises?
Patho: Er nothing la. BUt I tell you ah, she is gorgeous! got curves!
Kaolin: ??!! Any pinkish complexion?
Patho: No la! Dead people all pale. But her skin very smooth -.-
Kaolin: Then what did you do during the autopsy man?
Patho: You wont want to know what I did to her (confirm sicko)
Ryan: eh eh, you like gorgeous body right? I have, I show you?
After some discussion and submission of answers, we went back to RH. We did go out again, to CHEERS, to buy some snacks.
Day 2:
Breakfast was a piece of bread. Pathetic. At least I ate, most just went without breakfast. We had talks from various pharmacists, then we went for practical again.
We made medications for injections and Charcoal capsules.
Night games 2: Pharmo-poly which is to buy as many pharmacies by playing games to earn money. Well, its like doing business, at the same time learning new knowledge about the profession. Though it was tiring to run around, but our group definitely became more bonded.
We also ordered Macs for supper and Kaolin's gathering. We ended at about 3plus am and I slept at around 4am.
Woke up at 9am, but was still very tired. We had breakfast, phototaking and we broke camp!
Still remember those unwanted breads? they became prizes when the groups played games. Losers? The whole OG must drink milo. HAHA! I rather drink milo. Indeed, our group went down twice to drink milo.

YEAH, thats about all. Im tired.