FINALLY, the long awaited day has just passed and we are done with PW!
Hooray :) But then again, i need to worry for my results that will be coming out next tuesday. :(
Why are we living in constant fear and worries?
HAHA! Anyway, today's op was
I think our performance today was probably the BEST amongst all those dry runs and rehearsal we had previously.
JAW-DROPPED! Well Done 015:)
I have alot of pause fillers during q & a as I was being stunned by the question posted to me.- What are the factors that led to the problem of Singaporeans lacking graciousness?
What factors? I managed to answer the question. So I hope all is well :)
Mrs Tan said its alright.
So, all I can do now is to cross my fingers tightly so that I secure an A in PW!
We will be celebrating for the end of PW TMR as a class outing :) WHEE!
emma's Result: Kim Hyung Jun | on quiz: SS501 As Boyfriends | Your ideal boyfriend is Baby Kim Hyung Jun! This pretty boy will cheer you up with his cute and adorable antics and bring out the child in you.  | |
Wahaha, I got Baby! Not bias but really answering the qns truthfully.
Most of my answers are Kyu and Baby :)
But I think Jungmin is also cute :) However he is more a baby than baby Hyun Joon :)
Sheryl take this :)