

My Post

Thanks Bear

Template 100%: Atin Tory
Friday, February 26, 2010 | 5:31 AM | 0 comments


Thanks alot to Mariam for her lovely card as well as my Jin's photo!
Give you a big hug*

This week have finally ended!
I can literally see that all the work are piling up, but not as horrible as when Im preparing for my O lvls. (heaved a sigh)
Timetable is changing again! it's not even term 2 yet!

PEEPOS, whether you are from NY or non-NY, pls be a fan of
Our very own boy version of Girls' generation:
Consisting of 6 boys who are so into SNSD! Check it out!

Wow! I have much to talk.
Talking about school:

This week is science fest week and it is when our alternative assesment, which is also included in our CA is held. My group memebers were:

Andre: The tallest guy in our class + 'kiasu' one
Ming Whee: The happy-g0-lucky one
Gavin: The JIMMY NEUTRON=science pro
Myla: The tall one in our class + have contagious laughter

Seriously, after our practical assessments, we always have tummyache due to lots of laughing.
Myla will start laughing, then Ming whee will ask why is she laughing and he laughs himself. Andre and I will get 'infected' by their contagious laughter, and poor Gavin is always affected by us.
In the end, everyone just laughed non-stop :p

Some Jokes amongst us:

Myla: Walao, Why you didnt ans my call last night?
MW: Aye, you know what time Myla call me? 11.45pm lei!
Myla: I thought you were not sleeping
MW: I slept at 11pm ok?!
Myla: But then, he was so ridicuous.
(mw and myla start laughing)
MW: I dunno what to do cause my whole family sleeping already. Then I picked up the phone and pressed the red button immediately!

LOL. Myla was like: you!!!

Walking out of the library: after discussion
(Myla walked out first)
MW: wa, why Myla walk so fast? she so hungry ah?
E: I thought she just ate?
(Andre walk past us, Myla started to stop)
MW: wa, Andre overtake us lei!
Emma: Guess he is really hungry.
Myla: Did you see that?
Myla: His one step = to my 10 steps. He got super LONG legs.
MW: of course la. one so tall, the other one tallest lei.
From one end of our class to the other end!! :)

I really hope that we can somehow be in the same group again.

Anyway, I can only remember Econs tutorial now.
Mr NAND-WANI, our teacher is an incredible hulk in disguise.
he said: you will not like me when Im angry!
It was super hilarious.

Then he asked: Let's talk about econs
1003: all smiling sweetly*
Mr.N: You guys got no childhood ah?
1003: huh?
Mr.N: you guys never watch BARNEY? the purple dinosaur?
Barney have lots of IMAGINATION! that's essential in Econs!


Well, that's all for school....

When I received Mariam's card from my mum's hands and saw the contents in the card, I really felt that I have really found a best friend or rather my best friends.
I realized that the 2year bonding CME have, though was neither too long nor short, we have forged an incredible connection within each other. Even though we are separated, our hearts are linked together. All the good days we had, fond memories, childish arguements held a place in our friendship. All those sweat,tears and laughters.
Our friendship could not be described through words, only we, CME knows how it feels to be part of it.
Love and friendship in TRIOS ;)

I really miss you guys, my beloved Som and Linx :)

Well, that all :)
if not, i will get a bit emo :(

See ya!

running. running. running.

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