Happy Birthday Honey! (tommoro)
Sayonara Ms CHEN!
Happy Teacher's Day!
It's finally THE HOLIDAYS!!
well, its nothing to be happy about.
The teachers have flooded us with lots of homework,
hoping that we will score well during the FYE...
So? just perservere on!
Yesterday, our school celebrated Teacher's Day and i would say that it is rather normal. We still have to study on Teacher's day, thus, it shows that our Teacher's are very commited... ><
After the performance, the ACE students have to go to Ngee Ann Poly to attend the BioTech fair 2008. Not being a II school's students, our groups are sure to have disadvantages. All the groups from our school just got a COP, and Hwa Chong Institute emerged as first. However, its true that I have learnt much more things since I join the ACE programme. After so many months of tedious hardwork, it has finally ended, but i still feel somewhat disappointed. -.-
Here are some photos from both days-Thursday and Friday

Our poster^^

Group photo!me, Gladys, heryani, Hip and Zhi Jing
The thorn among the roses ><

Chalisa and I^^

EHH?? Wj, are you that hungry???
maybe the competition has killed most of his brain cells...><

Wj and I

Gladys and I

Took Kee and I

My kor!

hang er and I^^

XXB!!! muahaha... act cool

Waaaa! WJ is so strong!!! he has finally shown his manly hood

Ms Leo and I

hang er and I...
To ppl who have mistaken, this is a photo taken by gladys. Hang er and I, we are having a struggle btw deleting photos... he is so old le, still so childish..sigh
So there is NOTHING btw us! NOTHING! tsk tsk...
MS CHEN left our school yesterday. I think that class really miss her cause she have helped me improve my Chemistry. Soon, life will be boring again, listening to a monotonous voice with no high or low pitches and words are being mumbled....
AIYA! Stop changing teacher la!!! Play with our feelings!!
Just to say, Ms Chen must reach for the stars too!!! All The Best!

Photo with Ms Chen!
Enjoy the Hols with HW!!!
see ya ><