Boo Ya! It's my third day back from Taiwan!
Well, I had an enjoyable and fruitful experience there.
In this trip, I learnt countless things which taught me alot.
Firstly, I learnt to emerge and step out of my comfort zone.
Not to always be a follower, sometimes i should also step out
and be a leader. Being a leader, things can be done at a faster
rate and things will be more efficient.
Secondly, I learnt that the more one give, the more one will receive back.
This can be applied in business and also in other areas of life.
E.g) When you take care of others more, others will also take care of you more...
Thirdly, Do not judge a person by its appearance. It doesnt mean that when
a person looks like a gangster, he is a gangster. He may be friendly and knows how to think for others.
These are some of the things I learnt when i went to Taiwan,
after interacting with different ppl
I gradually also learnt to be more mature and wiser...
I also noticed that the WORLD is gargantuan,
and Singapore is just a red dot without any natural resources...
So we should try to be more innovative and creative
for its economic growth and our future!